About Life At ONIMS

The department of Student Life, within the division of Student Affairs, is a partner in the educational process and serves to fulfill the mission of student leadership program of ONIMS.

  • Engages students in active learning and encourages healthy lifestyle.
  • Prepares students for leadership roles within the University and future work/ community settings

Enhances the educational environment by promoting, educating, and facilitating campus-wide understanding of students’ rights responsibilities and freedoms. Student Life creates opportunities for students to clarify and challenge their values, potentials, roles and relationships within the University, the greater communities and global society. Our goal is to help students in creating an integrated and coherent leadership experience that enhances their knowledge and is connected to their future prospects. Students at ONIMS take a full part in a wide variety of recreational activities, many of which are organized by the students in coordination with student life department. They perform a variety of roles from arranging charity campaigns to organizing Sports Week . All in all, the Student Life Department makes a major contribution to ensure that ONIMS remains a happy and well-run community.
ONIMS also has a lively artistic community. Students regularly arrange stage plays in the College and take part in larger productions outside the college. The entertainment Society organizes talent shows and promote students innate creative abilities and often invites professional musicians. It further envisions in creating week-long Arts Festival with open-air plays, concerts, film nights, poetry readings, exhibitions and moots and debates.